purchase NameЗакупка дизельного топлива
The procuring entityОшское городское муниципальное автотранспортное предприятие
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodDirect to sign the agreement
Planned amount2,520,000
Date of publication12 April 2018 18:19
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms or any other foreign currency
Bids Submission Deadline16 April 2018 09:00
???theReasonForChoosingTheMethodOfDirectConclusionOfTheContract???Возникновение срочной необходимости в проведении закупок ежедневно потребляемых товаров
The document justifying the application of the method of direct conclusion of the contract
???selectReasonSingleSource???Early elections
Actual addressг. Ош ул. Касымбекова 21.
Work phone03222 3 95 76
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided