purchase NameПриобретение путевок для отдыха сотрудников на северном берегу озера Иссык-Куль
The procuring entityФилиал ГП "Кыргыз почтасы"-Бишкекский почтамт
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodDirect to sign the agreement
Planned amount400,000
Date of publication18 August 2017 13:12
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms
Bids Submission Deadline23 August 2017 14:00
???theReasonForChoosingTheMethodOfDirectConclusionOfTheContract???Служебная записка
???sourceFinance???Собственные средства
The document justifying the application of the method of direct conclusion of the contract
Служебная записка.PDF
???selectReasonSingleSource???If held contests were declared invalid, and repeated the contest based on the tender documentation revised requirements do not lead to the conclusion of the contract
Номер закупки, опубликованного на портале, по которому не был заключен контракт
Actual addressг. Бишкек, пр. Чуй, 96
Work phone+996312662361
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided