purchase NameМеханизированная очистка Сокулукского водохранилище с. Сокулук , Крупское а/о
The procuring entityГосударственное учреждение "Сокулукское районное управление водного хозяйства"
procurement Format???TWO_PACKAGE_UNLIMITED???
procurement method???UNLIMITED???
Planned amount20,000,000
Date of publication13 October 2023 14:22
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms or any other foreign currency
Bids Submission DeadlineCanceled
Guarantee provision of the tender bidSize Margin competitive application (GOKZ): 2%
???bidSecurityValidity???: 40 days
Name of company
Actual addressс. Сокулук ул. Ленина 100
Work phone0554487011
It remains to tenderCanceled
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided