purchase NameПокупка хозяйственных товаров (футляр для медалей, шары, ароматизатор, и т.д) Очиститель воздуха, искусственная елка
The procuring entityМинистерство Юстиции Кыргызской Республики
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodDirect to sign the agreement
Planned amount200,000
Date of publication17 December 2019 17:36
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms
Bids Submission Deadline19 December 2019 17:39
Size Margin competitive application (GOKZ): Declaration
???bidSecurityValidity???: days
???theReasonForChoosingTheMethodOfDirectConclusionOfTheContract???специальные средства, бюджетные средства
???sourceFinance???специальные средства, бюджетные средства
The document justifying the application of the method of direct conclusion of the contract
хоз товар 36.docx
???selectReasonSingleSource???Purchase of goods, works and services for each item of expenditure once a year to a minimum threshold
Official information letter to the bank details
Actual addressпр.М.Гвардия 32
Work phone626210+218
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided