purchase NameСтроительство пешеходного моста с выставочной площадкой над рекой Ак-Буура по ул.Ленинградская г.Ош (доп работы-2)
The procuring entityМуниципальное предприятие Ошские городские дороги
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodDirect to sign the agreement
Planned amount1,490,000
Date of publication03 July 2018 10:40
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms
Bids Submission Deadline05 July 2018 11:00
Size Margin competitive application (GOKZ): Declaration
???bidSecurityValidity???: days
???theReasonForChoosingTheMethodOfDirectConclusionOfTheContract???Закон "О Гос Закупках"
???sourceFinance???Бюджетное средство
???selectReasonSingleSource???Implementation of additional construction works or services that do not exceed 25 percent of the contract concluded on the basis of competition associated with the expansion of pre-existing works or increase the volume, and the involvement of the same contractor will ensure efficiency and compatibility of the results in terms of quality of earlier works, or services
Number of ads published on the portal through which the contract was concluded17062057539124
Receive offers only from suppliers / contractors, with which the previous contract was concludedyes.
- Общество с ограниченной ответственностью СуТранспромжилстрой
Actual addressулица Супаналиева 3а
Work phone0555919292
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided