purchase NameЗакупка инсталляция "Караван Шёлкового пути"
The procuring entityОшский комбинат по благоустройству и Зеленному хозяйству
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodOne stage
Planned amount1,600,300
Date of publication16 February 2022 16:11
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms or any other foreign currency
Bids Submission Deadline03 March 2022 09:11
Guarantee provision of the tender bidSize Margin competitive application (GOKZ): 2%
???bidSecurityValidity???: 30 days
Official information letter to the bank details
Actual addressг.Ош ,ул. Курманжан Датка 271
Work phone03222 7 27 96
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided