purchase NameПополнение балансов мобильных телефонов работников Ат-Башинской райгосадминистрации
The procuring entityАт-Башинская районная государственная администрация
procurement FormatStandart
procurement methodDirect to sign the agreement
Planned amount45,600
Date of publication23 March 2016 10:22
competitive application CurrenciesKyrgyz soms
Bids Submission Deadline25 March 2016 10:33
???theReasonForChoosingTheMethodOfDirectConclusionOfTheContract???Закон КР "О государственных закупках"
???sourceFinance???Республиканский бюджет
The document justifying the application of the method of direct conclusion of the contract
файл №1.docx
???selectReasonSingleSource???Purchase of goods, works and services for each item of expenditure once a year to a minimum threshold
Official information letter to the bank details
Actual addressМ.Омуракунова №133
Work phone03534 24642
It remains to tender
A pre-bid meetingNot Provided